Trusted Wholesale Nursery Suppliers

Blofield Nurseries has 50 years of dedicated cultivation and supply of Azalea, Camellia, Pieris, and Dwarf/Hybrid/Yak Rhododendrons. As esteemed wholesale nursery suppliers, we have mastered the art of nurturing over a million rooted cuttings, 350,000 P9 liners, and 100,000 2-litre shrubs annually, catering to large-scale contracts across Europe.

Our Plants

Blofield Nurseries produce rooted cuttings, P11 liners, P9 liners and 2 litre shrubs. The nursery specialises in Azalea, Camellia and Dwarf/Hybrid Rhododendrons. We have a standard soil mix that we use, we mix this on site. It is a peat based mix with bark. It contains everything that the plant needs. It also contains intercept so that there are very few pests that can harbour in the plants.

rooted cuttings
p9 liner

Our Nursery

Located on the outskirts of Blofield village, near Norwich, our nursery is a family-owned enterprise, now in the hands of the third generation. Under the diligent stewardship of John Ellerbrook, we continue to be the backbone for supermarkets and retailers, providing them with quality plant stock that they proudly sell as their own. As expert wholesale nursery suppliers, our plants, available seasonally with Aldi and other wholesale outlets, are a direct result of our rigorous growth and selection process.

Our facilities include three main areas of glasshouses, a propagation house, and various stock areas, with one dedicated woodland for conservation planted in 1986. This meticulous attention to our growth environment allows us to maintain self-sufficiency and conduct trials on exclusive Camellia varieties, promising our clients nothing but the finest selection.

Our Process

Step 1

Initial Enquiry

Send us your initial inquiry via email to start the process. We’ll promptly get back to you with essential information and next steps.

Step 2

Product Catalogue

Upon receiving your inquiry, we will provide you with a detailed list of all the plants we grow, along with their sizes, to help you make an informed decision.

Step 3

Ordering Timeframes

We will explain the timeframes for placing orders based on your desired delivery date, ensuring that you receive your order when you need it.

Step 4

Availability Updates

We keep you informed about our current plant availability and also offer future lists for contract growing, allowing you to plan your purchases in advance.

Orders are generally taken from July for delivery from September and mostly spring, late February onwards.

What Makes Us Different

Small Enough to Care, Big Enough to Deliver

Combining years of experience with innovative practices to deliver the best service we can.


Our BOPP accreditation ensures we maintain high standards of professionalism and quality.

Order by Friday,
We'll Deliver it Next Week

Minimum of 1cc trolley. 
We deliver to mainland UK.

Heavy Plant Quality

A heavy, uniform plant is one that has a strong structure of lots of branches. This means the finished plant will be of top quality specification.

Weed Free

Investing in high-quality, weed-free, and clean plants reduces labour costs by minimising the need for frequent weeding, maintenance, and pest control.

Grown Greener

We aim to use an integrated pest management system using biological controls to keep pesticide use to a minimum and are using organic fertilisers more and synthetic ones less.

Get In Touch

If you’re interested in our wholesale plant offerings, we’d love to hear from you! Please get in touch to explore our products and discuss how we can meet your needs.